Abre Los Ojos

I learned a great new word in Spanish this week: rompecabeza.  According to Word Reference, it translates to jigsaw puzzle, but this word is the combination of romper (to break) and cabeza (head).  Headbreaker.  What an accurate way to describe a jigsaw puzzle.  Throughout this process of learning a new language, little discoveries like this have brought me so much joy.  When you find a word that is just so much better in Spanish.  Jigsaw puzzle is good, but rompecabeza is better.

ImageMy ecotourism group and I went to visit the Pantanos de Villa (a wildlife refuge located in Lima) this weekend.  Here’s my group (plus Abigail and Lilah, they decided to tag along for the experience)!

Last Sunday night, we had a surprise birthday party for one of the other students in my program, Nicole.  It was a fabulous night of sharing food, friendship, and relaxation together before starting another week of classes.  At the end of the night, we all sat in a large circle, teaching each other songs and singing them together.  I think everyone’s favorite song of the evening was one we learned from my friend Cody; the lyrics go something like this:

Darling won’t you wait, won’t you wait, won’t you wait

For I must go far away

Darling won’t you wait, won’t you wait, won’t you wait

‘Til I come back home to stay

Oh my love

Some of us I know are bound to die

Oh my love

How it breaks my heart to see you cry

Singing that song together was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve had since arriving here in Perú.  As the singing continued, it became clear that the minds of each person in that circle were somewhere else, somewhere far away from Perú.  They were with their “darlings”: their girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers, families, and friends that they had left behind to go on this adventure.  Yet in that moment that we were all so far apart, we were also so together.  Sitting together, singing together, and sharing yet another incredible experience together in this foreign land.  Such a powerful experience.


We also toured the Huaca Pucllana, an archaeological site located in Miraflores, this weekend.  It’s literally located right in the middle of the city (you can see all of the apartment buildings behind me).

I’ll end this blog post today with a quote I saw graffitied on a wall while riding home on a combi this week.  “Abre los ojos, tu eres el presente.”  “Open your eyes, you are the present.”

¡Happy Semana Santa!


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